Queen Margaret of Anjou and the Duke of Buckingham's army of 300 pts landed at PORTSMOUTH and swiftly moved inland via
SOUTHAMPTON and SALISBURY attracting many recruits.  Unfortunately a prolonged stay forced the residents of SALISBURY to make the
Lancastrian force very unwelcome and Buckingham's army moved northwards.

Warwick initially moved south to NOTTINGHAM towards Somerset, but unfortunately the town decided to close its gates to the Yorkists.

King Edward watching Buckingham's army advancing north and not towards LONDON, initially made an rapid move to St ALBANS determined
to block the approach to the capital and flush Somerset further into the midlands into Warwick's grip.  Lord Grey attempting to recruit
unfortunately suffered some desertion reducing his force to 56 points.

Somerset  moved rapidly to COVENTRY via LEICESTER, watchful of Warwick's army to the north, but also attracting recruits to his army.

King Edward then retraced his steps back to LONDON whilst Lord Grey moved north to SHREWSBURY.  Somerset moved rapidly to BRISTOL
keen to put distance between himself and Warwick who marched to LEICESTER.  The Earl then began to recruit, keen to swell his ranks.  
Buckingham's main Lancastrian army moved slowly north from SALISBURY as King Edward marched rapidly to READING.  

The area around BRISTOL however proved itself to be faithful to the true King, Edward, and so Somerset's army was forced northwards to
WORCESTER.  READING made King Edward's army most unwelcome too and so he felt obliged to protect his line of communication and supply
back to the capital and so retreated to LONDON.

Warwick had been very busy recruiting scores of men to his army and, force marching west towards SHREWSBURY, welcomed Lord Grey's
small force into his army.  Buckingham's army now no longer threatened by King Edward marched rapidly to COVENTRY.  Somerset was
continuing to annoy everyone wherever his army tried to recruit as WORCESTER also declared against him forcing him  south.

King Edward could now see the Buckingham preparing to swoop upon Warwick and Lord Grey and forced marched north via St ALBANS
exhausting his army (260 pts).

The main Lancastrian army of the Duke of Buckingham, with Queen Margaret in tow (430 pts), advanced rapidly and contacted Warwick (330 pts)
and Lord Grey's exhausted army (56 pts) in the area around Lichfield.  Somerset (270 pts) keen to protect Buckingham's rear marched swiftly
northwards to COVENTRY arriving exhausted.

The scene was set for the first battle of the campaign, the Battle of Lichfield.
'The Pretender' (Extended)
Wars of the Roses Campaign
For Impetus

Part 1 : Invasion and Rebellion

The Battle of Lichfield

MAX - The Earl of Warwick (Expert) 330 points + Lord Grey (Cowardly) 56 points


CLIVE - The Duke of Buckingham (Fair) 430 points.

Battle report soon....